2024 in Review: International Cooperation Continues to Drive ABAC Enforcement

Over the past decade, prosecutors in the U.K., France, Switzerland and elsewhere have taken significant strides to catch up to the efforts of the DOJ and SEC to hold both companies and individuals accountable for foreign bribery. With the U.S. once again on the precipice of significant changes at the highest levels of government, one of the biggest themes at this month's the American Conference Institute International Conference on the FCPA (ACI Conference) was the strength – and necessity – of cross-border enforcement efforts. While the future is uncertain, foreign authorities are poised to carry the torch forward with or without the U.S. This first article in a two-part series summarizes the current state of international cooperation, through the eyes of U.S. and foreign enforcers at the conference, as well as defense counsel who spoke directly to the Anti-Corruption Report, and offers predictions of what is to come with the changing of the guard. The second article examining developments in 2024 will discuss how the new programs are doing and what to expect from them going forward. Part three will include insights shared by defense counsel and examine two key ways in which the DOJ identifies and builds cases. See “Structure and Operations of the New European Public Prosecutor’s Office” (Feb. 2, 2022).

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