Top Practitioners Analyze the DOJ & SEC FCPA Guidance (Part One of Two)

A large part of this issue of the Anti-Corruption Report is dedicated to explaining the practical implications of the “Resource Guide to The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act” (Guide or Guidance), jointly issued on November 14, 2012 by the DOJ and SEC.  Generally, this issue analyzes the Guidance from two perspectives: the practitioner perspective and the regulator perspective.  Specifically, this issue contains two articles from each of the two perspectives.  From the practitioner perspective, this article – the first in a two-part series – surveys a wide range of leading law and accounting firm partners focused on the FCPA on the most important issues covered by the Guidance.  In particular, this article discusses: why the Guide was created and issued; how companies and their counsel can use the Guide, including how the hypotheticals provided can inform decision-making; advice that can be distilled from the Guide on gifts, travel and entertainment; deficiencies in the Guide and which areas of the law remain unclear; and the highlights and lowlights of the declination section of the Guide.  Our multi-perspective coverage is intended to offer a 360-degree view of the Guidance and its practical import.  At a granular level, our coverage is intended to offer specific strategies to law, accounting and compliance professionals seeking to bring their compliance policies into conformity with regulator expectations.  In addition, our coverage of the Guidance is intended to offer concrete suggestions to anti-bribery professionals on avoiding, handling and settling enforcement actions, conducting internal investigations and executing mergers and acquisitions.

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