Jul. 31, 2024

Whistleblower Protection and Compliance: A Comparative Study of the United States and Japan

Whistleblowing plays a crucial role in uncovering corporate misconduct, fraud, and violations of law and regulations. As organizations become increasingly complex and global, the importance of robust whistleblower protection and compliance frameworks has grown significantly, but different countries approach encouraging and protecting whistleblowers in different ways. In a guest article, Lowenstein Sandler partner Robert Johnston and associate Kei Komuro compare whistleblower protection and compliance landscapes in the United States and Japan, two of the world’s largest economies, with distinct legal and cultural contexts, revealing both similarities and significant differences. See “Japanese Companies Face Growing Anti-Corruption Enforcement Risk” (Jan. 27, 2016).

Implications of Loper Bright: Impacts on Congress, Courts and Agencies

The Supreme Court recently reversed the long-standing Chevron deference principle in its landmark Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo decision. This two-part article series examines the implications of Loper Bright, including insights shared with the Anti-Corruption Report by Baker & McKenzie partner Helena J. Engfeldt and Paul Hastings partner Nathaniel Edmonds, and commentary from K&L Gates partners made during a firm presentation. This second part addresses the decision’s impact on Congress, courts, regulatory agencies and companies, and discusses how FCPA enforcement might be impacted. Part one discussed Chevron deference and examined the Loper Bright opinion and its effect on cybersecurity and privacy enforcement. See “Supreme Court: District Courts Have Jurisdiction to Hear Constitutional Challenges to ALJ Regimes” (May 24, 2023).

How Chile’s Economic Crimes Law Expands Corporate and Individual Liability

Companies doing business in Chile need to prepare for more expansive, and more aggressively enforced, liability provisions for white-collar crimes, as well as heightened compliance expectations, that are due to come into effect in fall 2024. Chile’s 2023 Economic Crimes Law, Law No. 21,595 (ECL), expands the range of criminal offenses for which a company can be held liable and introduces both personal liability for senior leaders at companies and new environmental offenses. The Anti-Corruption Report spoke to Chilean attorneys to better understand the ECL’s impact and what companies need to do to prepare. See “Conducting Effective Third-Party Due Diligence in Latin America” (Mar. 1, 2023).

Privacy and Data Security Regulators Discuss Enforcement Priorities and Collaborative Efforts

With the deluge of new data privacy and security legislation, alongside rapid growth in innovation, enforcement continues unabated, though the focus has shifted in some cases. This article distills insights on recent enforcement actions, trends and best practices from privacy and data security regulators who spoke during a panel discussion led by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer partner Christine Lyon at the Practising Law Institute’s recent 25th Annual Institute on Privacy and Cybersecurity Law. See “Measures for Complying With 19 (and Counting) State Privacy Laws” (Jul. 17, 2024).

Covington Welcomes Former Chief of EDNY’s Criminal Division

Kristin Mace, the former Chief of the Criminal Division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York, has joined Covington’s white collar defense and investigations practice in New York as a partner. For insights from Covington, see “Gartner’s Settlement for FCPA Violations in South Africa Raises Important Issues” (Jun. 21, 2023).